The LAST full week in February is here, Man it got here FAST!!!
Monday is Presidents Day, you working???
Tuesday Mardi Gras starts, PARTY!!!
Wednesday is Ash Wednesday and the start of Lent.
We are heading into the last week of the Russ's Engagement ...
The LAST full week in February is here, Man it got here FAST!!!
Monday is Presidents Day, you working???
Tuesday Mardi Gras starts, PARTY!!!
Wednesday is Ash Wednesday and the start of Lent.
We are heading into the last week of the Russ's Engagement Point Contest. Come into the show and collect your Engagement Points because on the 28th, the person that has to most points will win a $50 GFD Gift Card!!!
Have a Good Sunday Evening and we'll see you on Monday for another week of Podcasting Excellence!!!