Just a little "Hello" from me, The Old Man (TOM) to remind you of some shows.
First, on Wednesdays and Fridays I have a Blues show on "Ride Time Radio" called The Old Man's Rhythm and Blues Hour that airs at 12noon pst / 3pm east. You can find it here: https://www.easyridertenerife.com/ridetimeradio .
Sunday you can listen to me and Grammi give you what special Holidays for the week with our "The Week Ahead" at 9am pst / 12noon east along with a Sunday's Blues Show from my Mixcloud account the airs at 12noon pst / 3pm east. Good Times!
And remember, you are all invited to join us on our "Monday Morning LIVE Show" every Monday at 7am pst / 10am east for a fun start to your week!!
Listen, Like and FOLLOWS are Greatly Appreciated!!
Later Gators!!
The Old Man’s Podcast is a 2023 Award Winning Podcast:
“Overlord Indie Podcast Award Winner - Live Podcaster of the Year 2023 – The Old Man’s Podcast”
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*TOMPodcast/Rhythm and Blues Shows: